April 19, 2024 | Volunteer Spotlight
In 2023, First Tee – Greater Charleston provided character-building golf programs to 19,869 kids. 125 generous volunteer coaches helped make that possible… Volunteers like Jordan Lewis, who helps run On-Course Golf & Life Skills classes at Shadowmoss Golf Club.
1. How long have you been a volunteer for First Tee?
I have been a volunteer for 1 year now, starting spring 2023.
2. What does life outside of First Tee look like?
I live in West Ashley with my wife Emily and golden retriever CJ. I work from home as a Data Engineer and have been in Charleston for 4 years, moving here from Atlanta. I love to golf, I love to cook (especially Greek food), take CJ on walks around the neighborhood and to the beach, and to travel and visit friends, I also love going to see live music.

3. What inspired you to become a volunteer?
I wanted to find a way to volunteer my time, and this felt like a great fit with a game I love.
4. What traits have served you well as a volunteer?
I love to play games, whether it be sports or otherwise. I enjoy teaching people things and seeing them grow… And I love golf! I’ve been playing since I had plastic clubs in the backyard with my Dad.

5. What First Tee games or activities do you enjoy most?
I don’t think there’s any specific game I like best (other than end of session golf baseball), but I love when the kids get excited and invested in what we’re doing and in their own progress.
6. What is your favorite Core Value or Life Skill to teach?
Judgement… Getting the kids, who all want to swing as hard as possible, to slow down and understand that you don’t always have to swing out of your shoes has been so cool to see.

7. Are the kids teaching you anything?
They are teaching me patience (haha) and have helped me learn how to connect and teach people who learn differently than I do.
8. What part of programming do you think is most impactful for the kids?
The part I think is the most impactful is probably when they start to see progress. When they start to understand how making a change in grip or swing or etc, they can see the progress and start to put it all together. That’s when they get really excited.
9. What part of programming is most impactful for you?
Same as the kids… I love seeing it click in their heads and how excited they get. There’s nothing better!
A huge THANK YOU goes to the many volunteers who make First Tee programming possible, and special thanks to Jordan for sharing his experience.
Ready to join Jordan on course? Visit our volunteer page to learn more.